Boosting CTR with Display Marketing: A 12.95% Success Story | TMI Collective

Boosting CTR with Display Marketing: A 12.95% Success Story

– 13 February 2022

If you’re looking for proof that a good display marketing campaign can make an impressive difference to your business, then look no further. Our digital marketing agency recently helped a video streaming platform achieve an amazing click-through-rate with a creative display marketing campaign. It was a case study in how to do digital marketing right, and the results were truly remarkable. So get ready to see what happens when you combine creativity and digital marketing expertise – your business could be the next success story!

The Challenge

The goal of the campaign was to increase traffic to the video streaming website and drive user engagement through the submission of original video content. The success of this campaign would be measured by the number of clicks as well as the average click-through rate.

Our Strategy

Our plan of action for this client was simple: make it attractive, make it clickable.

We wanted to ensure that their display campaigns were targeting the right audience, but also that the ads themselves were visually appealing and were designed to entice people to click. To do this, we suggested the use of HTML 5 banners, which allow for more dynamic and eye-catching designs.

We also applied the best practices for setting up and optimising their display campaigns to maximize reach and conversions. With our combination of strategic targeting and visually-engaging banners, we achieved our goal of driving more traffic and conversions to the client site.

The Results

It was a success story for our client – the campaigns soared above expectations with a whopping 12.95% click-through rate and six video submissions. Of those submissions, three were view-through and three were click-through. Our client was over the moon with the result and were pleased to share it with the main stakeholders. It’s an outcome that makes us proud and proves that great campaigns really do pay off!

Boosting CTR with Display Marketing: A 12.95% Success Story | TMI Collective

If you’re looking to maximize your business’s visibility, then contact us today to learn more about our display marketing services. We can help you reach new customers, increase brand recognition and drive conversions. Take advantage of our expertise and let us help you make an impact.


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